Nuclear Instrumentation For A P.G Course in Medical / Radiological Physics Course

Nuclear Instrumentation for a Course in Medical Physics:

‘Nucleonix Systems’ manufactures & supplies a package of Nuclear Instruments for a laboratory courseware for a Radiological / Medical Physics Course at P.G level. We have supplied our equipments to more than SEVEN / EIGHT universities in India. These equipment’s are offered by us with required accessories, in ready to do experiments condition, with experimental procedures & manuals.

Typically the list of equipment’s offered include the following along with the list of experiments that can be performed.

Name Of The Experiment (as per AERB Syllabus) Equipments of Nucleonix make Suggested

1) Production and attenuation of bremsstrahlung.
2) Range of Beta Particles by Feather analysis.
3) Backscattering beta particles and applications.
4) Statistics of radioactive counting.

G.M Counting Systems.
GC601A / GC602A with accessories.

5) Calibration of survey instruments and
6) Pocket dosimeters.

Radiation Survey Meter RM701, Digital Contamination Monitor CM710, Digital Pocket Dosimeter PD714.

7) Study & Calibration of GM counter (plateau & calculation of efficiency for Beta & Gamma.

Geiger Counting System GC601A / GC602A with accessories.

8) Study & Calibration of TL phosphor & TLD reader and its use in dose distribution measurements.

TL Research Reader TL1009I & TL Materials (CaSO4. DY & LiF discs).

9) Determination of plateau and resolving time of a G.M Counter and its application in estimating the shelf ratio and activity of a beta source.

Geiger Counting System GC601A / GC602A with accessories.

10) Calibration of a TLD personnel monitoring badge and dose evaluation.

TLD Badge Reader TL109D & TLD Cards.

11) Calibration of Gamma Ray Spectrometer and identification of Unknown sources.

Gamma Ray Spectrometer GR611/ GR612 with required accessories.

12) Survey of radioisotope laboratory & study of surface contamination.

Digital Contamination Monitor CM710.

13) Absorption & backscattering of gamma rays – determination of HVT.

Gamma Ray Spectrometer GR611M / GR612 with required accessories.

Important Note: This Catalog does’t contain the specifications / technical details in respect of the products namely GC601 / GC602, GR611M / GR612. You may please refer to our website for details or contact our marketing department.