One day seminar on Radioactive contamination in steel industry, its detection & safety Consideration was Jointly organized by Nucleonix sytems & EEPC, India with Active participation by way of lectures from BARC/AERB on 19th Dec 2009.
Mr.J.Nishanth Reddy, Director (IT).Delivered a lecture on “Radio Active Contamination (RAC) A Burning Issue with Foundries” on 30th Sept, 2009 during Technical Meeting, jointly organized by Nucleonix Systems Pvt.Ltd.& EEPC India.Mumbai.
Mr.J.Narender Reddy,M.D.Delivered a lecture at EEPC office in Kolkata, at their invitation on “Radioactive Contamination (RaC) in steel and castings industry, its detection and measurement” toall exporting industry members, when they were facing serious RaC issues, during 2007.
Article: Author of an Article titled Radioactive Contamination of Metals and Its Detection in EEPC monthly bulletin issued on Vol.1. Issue No. 7 June 2007.
Mr.J.Narender Reddy,M.D.Presented a technical paper “A True Doserate μR Survey Meter for Low Level Dose Rate Measurements”, on March 2nd 2005 in the event CNIRD-2005 organized by CNIRD-2005 Venue Jodhpur.(DAE-BRNS symposium).
Mr.J.Dheeraj Reddy,Director (Tech) Presented a technical paper on “Multi-Controller Based 29 Channel Whole Body Portal Monitor”, on February 17th 2004 in the NSNI -2004 event organized by INDIRA GANDHI CENTRE FOR ATOMIC RESEARCH, Kalpakkam.
Mr.J.Nishanth Reddy,Director (IT) Presented a paper on “Biometrics and Smart Card Based Applications for Nuclear Industry”on February 17th 2004 in the NSNI -2004 event organized by INDIRA GANDHI CENTRE FOR ATOMIC RESEARCH, Kalpakkam.
Mr.J.Dheeraj Reddy,Director (Tech) Presented a technical paper on “Microcontroller based, Ore Grade Measuring Portable Instruments for Uranium Mining Industry” on February 17th 2004 in the NSNI -2004 event organized by INDIRA GANDHI CENTRE FOR ATOMIC RESEARCH, Kalpakkam.
Nucleonix systems, Presented a technical paper on “Modbus Based Smart Radiation Monitoring Network of Area Gamma Monitors”, on February 17th 2004 in the NSNI -2004 event organized by INDIRA GANDHI CENTRE FOR ATOMIC RESEARCH, Kalpakkam.
Mr.J.Narender Reddy, M.D.Delivered lectures for a “CEP course on Instrumentation for Radiation Detection and Measurement” held on Jan 27th 2003 at Defense Lab, Jodhpur.
Mr.J.Dheeraj Reddy, Director (Tech). Presented a paper on “Smart Controller Based Scaler Rate-Meter for Gamma Column Scanning Application” on February 6th 2001 organized by INIT.
Mr.J.Dheeraj Reddy, Director (Tech). Presented a technical paper on “ PC based G.M. Counting Card/System”- A Virtual Instrument on February 6th 2001 organized by INIT.
Mr.Y.Dhanajay Reddy, Presented a technical paper on “Five Channel Data Acquisition System for Tracer Studies”on February 6th 2001 organized by INIT.
A technical paper on “Smart controller Based Scaker Rate- Meter for Gamma Column Scanning Application” was presented by Mr.Y.Dhanajay Reddy, J.Narender Reddy, M.D. and J.Dheeraj Reddy, Director (Tech) during the Proceeding of Symposium on” Intelligent Nuclear Instrumentation” on Feb 6-9,2001.
A technical paper on “PC Based G.M.Counting Card/System-A Virtual Instrument” was presented by J.Dheeraj Reddy, Director (Tech) and J.Narender Reddy, M.D. during the Proceeding of Symposium on” Intelligent Nuclear Instrumentation” on Feb 6-9,2001.
A technical paper on “Five Channel Data Acquisition System for Trance Studies” by Mr.Y.Dhanajay Reddy,J.Narender Reddy, M.D. and J.Dheeraj Reddy Director (Tech) during the Proceeding of Symposium on” Intelligent Nuclear Instrumentation” on Feb 6-9,2001.
A one day workshop on ” Nuclear Radiation Detector & G.M. Counts” was organized for college physics teachers, jointly by Department of Physics,St. Joseph’s college Bangalore and Nucleonix systems, Hyderabad.,in Bangalore on 17th Jan 2000.
Nucleonix systems, new factory building was Inaugurated by Dr. Anil Kakkodkar, Director, Bhaba Atomic Research Centre, member AEC ,on 22nd Jan, 1998
To coinside with this event a ” Seminar-cum-workshop on Measurement & Applications of Ionising Radiation”.a three day event was jointly organized by Indian Society for Radiation Physics, Department of Physics and Nucleonis systems Hyderabad
Sri.J.Narender Reddy, founder & M.D. of the company delivered a talk on”An overview on Recent Developments in Radiation Measuring Instrumentation”, on the 1st day,i.e on 22nd Jan,1998
First days proceedings were held at Nucleonix premises.Second & Third proceedings were conducted, at physics department.,osmania university
Mr. J. Narender Reddy, M.D, was one of the Panelists for the seminar on Consultancy in Commercial Applications of Radioisotope Technology in Process Industry organized by “National Association for Applications of Radioisotopes and Radiation in Industry” held on December 7th 1998 at Convention Centre, India Habitat Centre, New Delhi
Mr. J. Narender Reddy, M.D. Presented a technical paper during the National Seminar held at Govt. PG. Science College on “PC Based Thermo luminescence Analyser” during 23rd to 25th January, 1994 organized by Luminescence Society of India.
Mr. J. Narender Reddy, M.D. was one of the Resource Persons for the “National workshop on Experimental Physics”, organized by Mangalore University held on February 21st -24th 1994, in Mangalore University. Delivered a talk on “PC based Instrmentation for studies in physics”.
Mr.J.Narender Reddy.M.D.Presented a technical paper on “PC Based Instrument for Nuclear Counting Labs” during 10th NSRP held on 17th August 1993 organized by Indira Gandhi Center for Atomic Research, Kalpakkam.