This will have an important equipment / tool namely Gamma Ray Spectrometer, with Well Type Scintillation Detector, with 8K Multi Channel Analyzer (USB) System with Software. This equipment is basically used for Isotope identification test and Radionuclide Purity Test for the Radio-nuclides such as FDG / F-18 or Tc-99, I- 131 etc., produced in the Medical Cyclotron Facility. This becomes an essential tool in the QC Lab. This system will have the following constituent units.

i. MINIM based Gamma Ray Spectrometer.
ii. 2” x 2” NaI Well Type Scintillation detector.
iii. Gamma Reference Source Set.
iv. Lead Castle for Scintillation Detector.
v. 8k MCA (USB) with Personal Computer System & Data Processing Software.

Digital Contamination Monitor : (CM 710N) This is essentially a Pancake based Digital Contamination Monitor which can be used for measuring both Beta Contamination in CPS / CPM mode and to measure low gamma dose rates up to 200 mR/hr. This is used essentially to check the Contamination in QC Lab, work areas, floor space, work table, walls etc. in the QC Lab.